What is brunch?

Brunch is a meal that is typically eaten between breakfast and lunch, usually on weekends. It is a combination of breakfast and lunch foods, and it can be as casual or as formal as you want it to be.


The exact origins of brunch are unknown, but it is believed to have originated in the United States in the early 20th century. The word “brunch” is a portmanteau of the words “breakfast” and “lunch”.

Brunch became popular in the United States during the Prohibition era, when people were looking for a way to socialize and eat without having to go to a bar. Brunch also became popular in the 1960s, when it was seen as a more relaxed and informal way to eat.

Today, brunch is a popular meal all over the world. It is often seen as a way to start the weekend off right, and it is a great way to catch up with friends and family.


There are many different types of brunch, but some of the most common include:

Benefits of eating brunch

Brunch has many benefits, including:

Tips for hosting

If you are hosting a brunch, there are a few things you can do to make it a success:

Brunch fruits

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